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Cat :: Feeding Your Cat

Cats eating the inedibleCats eating the inedible

There are cats that eat strange substances like cardboard or wool, cats who chew and rip but don't eat and cats that just lick these odd materials. It is important to check with the vet because some of these behaviours can be a sign of physical illness.

Feeding Your Adult CatFeeding Your Adult Cat

Is it confusing trying to figure out what to feed your adult cat? As strict carnivores, cats require food of animal origin and generally eat a variety of dry cat food. Here are some tips on how to feed your cat.

Human Foods for Cats?Human Foods for Cats?

Let's face it: some cats are inveterate "bums" and will beg and plead most appealingly while you try to eat. While I will (rarely) give a cat a tidbit of chicken or turkey from my plate, it's a practice I don't encourage as a regular habit for a few reasons.

Murphy and his brittle bonesMurphy and his brittle bones

Cats can be their own worst enemies when it comes to diet and owners can unwittingly contribute to medical problems by indulging their pet's fads.

Nutrition in CatsNutrition in Cats

Providing the best food for your cat is an important part of keeping her healthy. With all the research and study in proper diets, you can now help your cat stay healthy, happy and well fed for many years.

The overweight catThe overweight cat

The most common form of malnutrition within pets in the UK is the overconsumption of calories leading to obesity. It is estimated that 25 to 30 per cent of cats in the UK are obese. 'Obese' cats are those that are at least 20 per cent heavier than the optimal weight due to excessive fat accumulation. A cat is 'overweight' if it is one to 19 per cent heavier than the optimal weight. Ideally, cats should be fed to maintain their optimal bodyweight. Long-term studies have shown that both obesity and excessive thinness shorten life expectancy.

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